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We provide a range of templates designed to support Interior Designers and Architects at every stage of their client’s journey. Our templates are flexible, easy to use, and tailored to reflect your unique brand identity, ensuring a seamless and professional experience.

Portfolio Development

Portfolio: Perfect for designers starting out or seeking new opportunities. Showcase your process and early work with a polished, professional touch that highlights your unique style and capabilities. This template helps you present your best projects, narrate the story behind each design, and demonstrate your skills to potential clients or employers.

Client Discovery Phase

Investment and Design Services Guide: Clearly communicate your offerings and pricing, setting the right expectations from the start.

Client Questionnaire: Gain a deep understanding of your client's needs and preferences, ensuring alignment from day one.

Proposal Phase

Fee Proposal Template: A crucial document that can make or break a deal. Present your fees transparently and professionally, helping clients understand the value of your services.

Client Onboarding Phase

Welcome Guide: Set the tone for a smooth collaboration with all the essential information your clients need to know about working with you.

Design Development Phase

Design Presentation: Bring your design concepts to life with visually stunning and organised presentations, helping clients visualise the final result.

FF&E Schedule: Keep track of furniture, fixtures, and equipment with detailed, easy-to-use schedules.

Client Handover Phase

Goodbye Packet: Conclude your project professionally and warmly, providing all the necessary documents and future care information.


Sonderpath isn't your typical design resource. We're a strategic partner for Interior Designers and Architects, offering more than just industry knowledge. Our founder and design strategist, Anne Rodriguez, has curated a suite of tools and resources designed to foster client empathy, strategic thinking, and effective collaboration.

With formal training in Interior Design from London and experience working with architects and designers across various markets, Anne understands the unique language and workflow of the industry. Her background, combined with a passion for branding and interdisciplinary design, drives a holistic approach to creating client-focused experiences through our beautifully designed and easy-to-use templates.